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3MA ft. Ballaké Sissoko, Driss El Maloumi, Rajery | Bimhuis
21/03/2020, 20:30 - 23:30

Enchanting string playing by three fantastic musicians from different cultures: Mali, Morocco and Madagascar.
Ballaké Sissoko has won the hearts of fans all over the world with his magical playing of the kora, the African harp. The musician from Mali, the cousin of the famous Toumani Diabaté, has played the BIMHUIS several times in various ensembles. Never before has he appeared here with Moroccan oud player Driss El Maloumi, and Rajery, master of the valiha, the Malagasy zither. The three are living far apart, but that doesn’t show on stage. By entangling sounds and traditions they create music of an unprecedented beauty. Since their first encounter in 2006 their reunions have been highly anticipated. Don’t miss them this time around!
‘Sparkling beauty … these three musicians bring out the best in each other with their plucked instruments, which can whisper or shout, and are able bring the listener into a pleasant state of tranquility’ (MixedWorldMusic).
Ballaké Sissoko kora, Driss El Maloumi oud, Rajery valiha.
Tickets: €18 (standing) €21 (seated)
More info: bit.ly/3ma2103
In collaboration with Institut français des Pays-Bas