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TisDass (Niger) ★ Houmaïssa tour ★ Salón Sonoro
14/10/2023, 21:30

TisDass (Niger) ★ Houmaïssa tour ★ Salón Sonoro
Saturday 14.10.2023@Mezrab
We are happy to welcome back TisDass all the way from Niger!
Bringing us the best Touareg Desert Blues Rock around.
Tisdass is the group of singer-guitarist Moussa Kildjate Albadé. Based in Niamey and originally from Tchintabaraden, the emblematic town of the Tamasheq kel of Niger, TisDass means “Pillars” in the Tamasheq language and refers to the pillars housing the traditional Berber tents. This name is the sign of a strong attachment to a culture that the group intends to defend and make known through the power of music.
The album Houmaïssa: Houmaïssa being the name of a Tuareg symbol worn exclusively by women, with this new album, TisDass wishes to pay tribute to women, pillars of the family in Tuareg society. Although the tempo has quickened, the presence of acoustic tracks remains one of the hallmarks of Sahelian music (Tara “Love”, Itagu Aguen “Many things happen”). The other tracks take the 180 degree rock turn desired by the group. The themes of the songs remain faithful to the claims and aspirations of the Tuaregs to live in peace (Taflist (confidence), Derhan (hope),Ikewagne (roots).
Great African dance music before and after the show!
Doors open: 20:30
Show: 21:30
Tickets online: 14.50 EUR
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Ticket at the door (if available): 17.50 EUR