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Amadou & Mariam | Ancienne Belgique
27/03/2024, 19:00 - 22:30

◊ Amadou & Mariam
◊ Musical Malian couple returns with new album
◊ Tickets & Info: https://bit.ly/AmadouMariamAB
Amadou & Mariam’s story is one of the most inspiring tales of modern music; a love affair that propelled two grandparents from Mali into charts across the planet, winning enough awards to fill several sideboards, and raising awareness of the difficulties in living in one of the world’s poorest countries. Into their orbit came stars like Damon Albarn, Manu Chao, David Gilmour, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Scissor Sisters …
Yet it is also a story that began in adversity and continues to evolve and inspire more than 40 years after it began.
Amadou & Mariam will be back in 2024 with surprises and a new album! Stay tuned.
Respect yourself and each other. We take every form of intimidation seriously.
With the SNCB code on your concert ticket you can buy a nominative Bravo! Ticket AB at a very budget friendly fare. These E-train tickets are available exclusively on bit.ly/BravoTicketAB
Thanks to the collaboration between AB and MIVB, you will find an Event Pass on every concert ticket that entitles you to make use of tram, bus and metro in Brussels on the day of the concert. All info: bit.ly/EventPassAB