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Disco Arabesquo Night | starring TootArd | Paradiso Amsterdam
22/07/2023, 21:00 - 23/07/2023, 02:00

We’re happy to announce that after more than a year the nostalgic Arab ‘Disco Arabesquo Night’ will be back in Amsterdam on the 22nd of July. And this time we’re doing it at the historic @paradisoadam
We’re honoured to have none other than the Syrian brothers from the occupied Golan Heights, Hasan and Rami Nakhleh, also known as ’TootArd’. They will be performing some of their infectious songs like ‘Moonlight’ and ‘Red Sea Disco’ from their album ‘Migrant Birds’ and Disco Dabke from their new ‘cocktail’ singles.
And as always we’ll be djing the sounds of the 80’s, 90’s & 00’s. So brace yourself for legendary classics, Maghrebi Rai, Lebanese Funk, Shami Dabke, Egyptian Pop, Libyan Reggae and more. Edited, mixed, mashed and beyond! So get ready for a nostalgic Arab night into the future!
Pre-sale: 16 eu
Door: 20 eu
Yallah, let’s make it unforgettable!