Tag: <span>Afrikaanse hapjes</span>

Liberian Rice Bread no. 1

This rice bread is the typical recipe used by Liberians. It is not too sweet, can be used as a coffee cake or as a bread, and stays moist for a full week. 2 cups cream of rice 3 cups mashed bananas ½ cup vegetable oil 4 Tbs. sugar ½ …


Pondu (also called Saka-saka) is a Congolese dish made from cassava leaves. Central African people seem to be unique in their consumption of cassava leaves, which are cooked as greens. Elsewhere in the world, the cassava plant is cultivated only for its tubers. Cassava leaves are found only in the …

Mafé (Kip Met Pindasaus)

2 kippen 4 tomaten 1 witte kool 4 zoete aardappelen 6 – 8 worteltjes 8 okra’s 2 uien, fijngehakt 250 g pindakaas Heet water 2 chilipepers, fijngehakt Arachideolie Verdeel de kip in hanteerbare stukken. Snijd de tomaten in vieren, de kool in reepjes, de zoete aardappelen in dobbelsteentjes en de …

Mafé (Peanut Butter Stew)

Mafé is a Senegalese classic. It is also an entrant into the peanut stew sweepstakes that could be held for dishes from all over the continent. Here the meat of choice is lamb, but mafé can also be prepared from beef or chicken. Traditionally the stew is served with rice. …

Bogobe (Stiff Porridge)

300 g coarsely ground sorghum meal 30 g starter (sorghum meal fermented in water for 48 hours) 1500 to 1800 ml water For fermented Bogobe (motogo-wa-ting orsing), mix starter with dry sorghum meal. Add 250 to 300 ml lukewarm water and stir to make a slurry. Cover and allow to …

Garden Egg Sauce/Stew (Egg Plant Sauce)

Garden egg sauce or eggplant sauce is a very simple delicious stew that can be fixed within 15 minutes. This is commonly made with boiled yam, potatoes or boiled rice. This is made with fresh garden eggs, fish and palm oil. However, other traditional ingredients are included to make the …

Yam Stew

1 medium yam 4 carrots 1 cup cooked beans 1 tsp curry powder 2 onions 1/2 tsp salt 2 cups water 1 tablespoon fat Wash peel and cube the yam. Scrape the carrots and cut into thin rounds. Peel and slice the onion and fry for a few minutes. Add …

Coconut Rice (Kokosrijst)

1 kokosnoot of 100 g kokospoeder 200 g rijst 1 ui, fijngehakt 1 chilipeper, fijngehakt Maak de kokosnoot open en rasp de helft van het vruchtvlees. Vermeng dit met water en druk de vloeistof eruit tot u circa 1 kopje vol hebt. Vermeng de kokosmelk of het kokospoeder met1 kopje …


10 to 20 matoke (green cooking bananas) Plantains may be used 5 to 7 cups water, depending on the quantity of bananas Peel the bananas and wash them in cold water. Put into a pot, add the water, and cover. Boil for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat and continue …